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Our methods

 Pilates and Yoga improve flexibility and mobility,

enabling people to move more freely and lead more healthy positive lives. 


Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is a form of hatha yoga based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. It is a holistic system that addresses the mind and the body and practiced regularly, it benefits different aspects of our lives  from posture to a sense of wellbeing. Through a precise set of practices focusing on mobility, stability and strength our concentration gradually draws inwards, calming and integrating the mind with the body.
Iyengar Yoga is characterised by precision and alignment  and its teaching method makes use of props to enable students of different abilities and physical limitations to practice yoga poses progressively and safety. It is especially appreciated by those who value a disciplined and structured approach to yoga. 

Iyengar Yoga teachers undergo a rigorous program of teaching and once certified are required to continue professional development through regular workshops and classes with senior teachers.



Pilates is an exercise programme designed to encourage optimal alignment and movement patterns. It focuses on correct functioning of core postural muscles and aims to improve strength, mobility and flexibility of the whole body. 


Pilates addresses muscle imbalance which effect poor posture and practised regularly, it can also prevent and alleviate many health problems such as back problems, joint degeneration and digestive disorders. 


Pilates awakens kinaesthetic awareness and can have transforming effects on all systems of the body. The level of concentration and focus required to perform the exercises using correct breathing techniques involves the body and mind working together towards a goal of overall fitness. The mind/body qualitative approach provides an excellent tool for improving body awareness and reducing stress.

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